A blower door test is one of the many diagnostic features employed by our program to ensure the highest energy savings possible for those we serve.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Changes to WAP due to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

Some significant changes to the weatherization program have been made due to recently enacted legislation:

Income Guidelines:
These have been increased from 150% 200% of the federal poverty level, as below:

Contiguous U.S. Grantees, by size of family unit:
1 - $21,660
2 - $29,140
3 - $36,620
4 - $44,100
5 - $51,580
6 - $59,060
7 - $66,540
8 - $74,020
Each additional member add: $7,480

For Alaska:
1 - $27,060
2 - $36,420
3 - $45,780
4 - $55,140
5 - $64,500
6 - $73,860
7 - $83,220
8 - $92,580
Each additional member add: $9,360

For Hawaii:
1 - $24,920
2 - $33,520
3 - $42,120
4 - $50,720
5 - $59,320
6 - $67,920
7 - $76,520
8 - $85,120
Each additional member add: $8,600

Cost Per Unit Average: The allowable DOE funds average to be used per home has been increased to $6,500 to accommodate the decreased ability to leverage funds due to the large increase in DOE funds.

Training and Technical Assistance: The percentage of funds available for training and technical assistance activities has been increased from 10% to 20%.

Re-Weatherization Date: The date for re-weatherization has been changed to September 30, 1994, in order to change the underlying law.

Prevailing Wage: Funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act are subject to the requirements and reporting of prevailing wage regulations. It is unclear what this will entail at this time.

All of these changes, with the exception of Prevailing Wage, are applicable to all funds from Program Year 2009 and beyond.

We will continue to update you with any further clarifications or changes.

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